There are lots of great ideas that you can include for your DIY room decor project. Although most people view DIY as complicated or difficult, it can actually be fun and interesting, and you can get unique and cool stuff without spending a fortune. The great thing about DIY teen room decor is that no one will have stuff like yours, so you can be sure that your artwork is the one and only. If you are into arts and crafts and you want to show off your personal style, this is the kind of work that suits you the best.You don’t have to start with complicated projects. If you want to use old or worn stuff, that will work too! For instance, if you have antique lamps or lantern lamps, you can paint them with bold and bright colors. Neon colors are trendy right now, so consider painting them neon green, pink fuchsia, or light blue. Not only you are able to transform your old stuff, you can really spark up your room without hurting your wallet. Basically, a room won’t be so cold or dingy with some bright colors and cute decor accessories here and there. You don’t have to buy expensive stuff to make your room livelier; even old and worn things sparkle when you apply your own style!
Here are some simple and yet cool ideas that you can implement into your DIY teen room decor project:Flower lights
You only need strings of lights (Christmas lights will do), colored cupcake containers and scissors. Use the scissors to cut flowery shapes from the cupcake liners and make a hole in each liner. Insert each light into the flowery shape, and then seal it off by gluing or taping them. These strings of lights aren’t just adorable but are also unique and stylish. You can place the light strings in the reading corner or place them on the headboard of your bed.